Pubblicazioni / New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation
Editors: E. Bigand, B. Tillmann, I. Peretz, R.J. Zatorre, L. Lopez, and M.Majno
Pubblicazione conseguente al Convegno Internazionale “The Neurosciences and Music – V”, Dijon (France), 29 maggio -1 giugno 2014
New York, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 1337, 2015, pp. 271
Testi in inglese
ISSN 0077-8923
Recent research has demonstrated that cognitive stimulation, including from musical activities, may improve cognitive and motor functions in healthy individuals, and may provide nonpharmacological approaches for recovering brain and motor functions after brain damage, disease, or delayed mental development in neurological patients. This Annals volume presents a collection of papers stemming from the conference “Neurosciences and Music V,” held in Dijon, France, on May 29 to June 1, 2014, highlighting neuroscience research on the unique contributions of music to programs of cognitive stimulation and rehabilitation, including music-based interventions in neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. A range of topics were covered, including the contribution of rhythm and the temporal structure of music to language development, language rehabilitation, attentional processes, motor abilities, and motor rehabilitation, as well as socialization of infants; the fundamental links between music and movement in musically trained and untrained people, and in neurological patients; the impact of dance on brain plasticity; the positive effects of music on nonmusical abilities in children and adults; the role of music for emotional regulation in infants and, more generally, infants’ well-being; and the efficiency of music intervention in dementia.