Cognitive and behavioural neurology in developmental age - Fondazione Mariani CARE Onlus
Pubblicazioni / John Libbey Eurotext

Cognitive and behavioural neurology in developmental age

Editors: Daria Riva and Sara Bulgheroni
London-Paris, John Libbey Eurotext Ltd, 2015, pp. 176

Cognitive and behavioural neurology is increasingly the focus of attention from the neurosciences, both in adults and children. This field combines a number of specialties including neurophysiology, anatomy, developmental neurobiology, new neuroimaging techniques and genetics, to ensure that neurological conditions are approached from different perspectives. Appropriate cognitive/behavioural evaluation methods should based upon the known characteristics of neuropathology, molecular genetics and neurophysiology of the disorders. This book provides an update on neurocognitive and behavioural deficits observed in developmental neurology (epilepsy, brain malformations, tumours, autistic spectrum disorders, syndromic and non-syndromic intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy and CNS progressive disorders). It aims to describe cognitive/behavioural phenotypes, define indications for treatment and rehabilitation, and enhance knowledge acquired from clinical studies. The contents are addressed to child neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, paediatricians, geneticists, behavioural and speech therapists.

1) The effect of brain lesions/disease on cognition: location/type and treatment – Daria Riva
Epilepsy and headache
2) Possible pathogenetic mechanisms of epileptic encephalopathies and implications for associated cognitive disorders – Silvana Franceschetti
3) Cognitive development in Dravet syndrome – Francesca Ragona, Mara Patrini and Tiziana Granata
4) The neuropsychological profile of childhood focal idiopathic epilepsy syndromes – Chiara Vago, Sara Bulgheroni, Silvia Esposito, Arianna Usilla and Daria Riva
5) Lesional epilepsies in childhood: neuropsychological and psychopathological aspects – Valentina Sibilia and Renzo Guerrini
6) Cognitive and behavioural aspects of headache in children and adolescents – Umberto Balottin, Matteo Chiappedi, Federica Galli, Sara Gianfelice and Cristiano Termine
Malformations and tumours
7) Spina bifida: brain and neurobehavioural outcomes – Jack M. Fletcher, Jennifer J. Juranek and Maureen Dennis
8) Neurocognitive, neuropsychological, and neurovisual development in single-suture craniosynostoses – Daniela Chieffo and Luca Massimi
9) Cognitive and behavioural outcome in children with posterior fossa malformations – Sara Bulgheroni, Fabiana Cazzaniga, Michela Bonalumi and Daria Riva
10) Brain tumours: how the location of the lesion and treatments affect cognitive function – Daria Riva, Silvia Esposito, Fabiana Cazzaniga and Sara Bulgheroni
11) Paediatric anaesthetic and cognitive neurotoxicity – Lena S. Sun
Neurodevelopmental disorders
12) Cognitive and behavioural phenotype in intellectual disability – Stefano Vicari, Paolo Alfieri and Deny Menghini
13) High-functioning autism spectrum disorders: focus on neuropsychological profiling – Antonio Narzisi, Filippo Muratori and Cosimo Urgesi
Cerebral palsy
14) Cognitive and language development in children with early focal brain lesions – Anna Maria Chilosi, Paola Brovedani, Sara Lenzi, Paola Cristofani and Paola Cipriani
15) Neuropsychological profiles in children with spastic diplegia with particular attention to visuo-cognitive abilities – Serena Micheletti, Jessica Galli and Elisa Fazzi
Progressive neurological diseases
16) Cognition and psychopathology in movement disorders in children – Nardo Nardocci and Mara Patrini
17) Lysosomal storage disorders – Rita Barone and Rossella Parini
18) Cognitive impairment in paediatric multiple sclerosis – Angelo Ghezzi

John Libbey Eurotext

Mariani Foundation Paediatric Neurology Series
Updates on specific subjects written by European experts and aimed at neurologists, neuro-paediatricians and paediatricians.
This well-known Italian Foundation, active worldwide with training and research projects, provides a constant in-depth observatory on the progress of paediatric neurology.

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