Visual impairments and neurodevelopmental disorders - Fondazione Mariani CARE Onlus
Pubblicazioni / John Libbey Eurotext

Visual impairments and neurodevelopmental disorders

Editors: Elisa Fazzi and Paolo Emilio Bianchi
London-Paris, John Libbey Eurotext Ltd, 2016, pp. 215

The rising number of cases in visual disorders during development, over the last decade, has strongly influenced approaches to diagnosis and rehabilitation. Moreover, the study of visual function has evolved not only within an ophthalmological, but also a neurodevelopmental framework: advances in our understanding of the maturation and plasticity of visual system functioning have further guided the progress of such approaches. As a result, the key importance of the developmental age is now widely acknowledged, from as early as the first months of life. This book provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of visual disorders in relation to advances in neurodevelopmental studies. The concept of early and multimodal management is discussed, with a focus on neuro-psycho-ophthalmological issues. The need for training courses aimed at semiological aspects and methodological and rehabilitative strategies is established, as being of significant value to clinical practice.


General overview
1) Visual function and neurodevelopment in children: from neuroscience to rehabilitation – Elisa Fazzi and Anna Molinaro
2) Visual development in childhood – Paolo Emilio Bianchi, Gabriella Ricciardelli, Alessandro Bianchi, Antonella Arbasini and Elisa Fazzi
3) Functional assessment of cerebral visual impairment in infants and children with neurodevelopmental disorders – Janette Atkinson and Oliver Braddick
4) Adult human cortical plasticity after transient visual deprivation: implications for occlusion therapy in amblyopia – Claudia Lunghi, David C. Burr, Roberto Caputo and Maria Concetta Morrone
5) The role of the motor system: from action coding to cognition – Giovanni Buccino
Cerebral Visual Impairment: from diagnosis to rehabilitation
6) Concept and overview of cerebral visual impairment: a clinical perspective – Geertrui Peirens and Els Ortibus
7) Oculomotor disturbances in children with neurological diseases – Silvia Mariani and Emilio C. Campos
8) Visual-perceptual and visual-cognitive disorders in cerebral palsy – Jessica Galli, Serena Micheletti and Elisa Fazzi
9) Developmental and acquired higher visual processing disorders in children – Daria Riva and Sara Bulgheroni
10) Neuroimaging of cerebral visual impairment in children – Carla Uggetti
11) The role of electrophysiology in the diagnosis of visually impaired children – Giulio Ruberto, Martina Suzani, Chiara Bertone, Rosanna Guagliano, Mauro Antonini, Sabrina Giovanna Signorini, Elisa Fazzi, Umberto Balottin and Paolo Emilio Bianchi
12) Visual profile in healthy full-term newborns: use of the Neonatal Assessment Visual European Grid (NAVEG) – Andrea Rossi, Michela Gritti, Paola Mattei, Francesco Semeraro, Gaetano Chirico, NAVEG study group and Elisa Fazzi
Rehabilitation of visual impairments
13) Visual field defects and brain plasticity in children with cerebral lesions – Francesca Tinelli and Giovanni Cioni
14) A multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach to visual function in childhood: from neurovisual disorders to strategies of intervention for promoting neuropsychomotor development – Sabrina Giovanna Signorini, Antonella Luparia, Eleonora Perotto, Marina Zoppello, Francesco Decortes, Mauro Antonini, Chiara Bertone, Walter Misefari, Giulio Ruberto, Paolo Emilio Bianchi and Umberto Balottin
15) Assistive technology for rehabilitation and school inclusion of low-vision children and adolescents – Massimo Guerreschi, Giuseppina Giammari, Elisa Pozzoni and Renato Borgatti
Visual disorders and neurological diseases
16) Disorders of the anterior segment in the syndromic child – Adriano Magli, Luca Rombetto, Paolo Esposito Veneruso and Elisabetta Chiariello Vecchio
17) Albinism – Roberto Caputo
18) Acquired nystagmus – Roberto Salati
19) Perceptual visual disturbances and epilepsy – Renzo Guerrini and Carmen Barba
20) Congenital disorders of the optic nerve – Paolo Emilio Bianchi, Chiara Bertone, Martina Suzani, Alessandro Bianchi and Gabriella Ricciardelli

John Libbey Eurotext

Mariani Foundation Paediatric Neurology Series
Updates on specific subjects written by European experts and aimed at neurologists, neuro-paediatricians and paediatricians.
This well-known Italian Foundation, active worldwide with training and research projects, provides a constant in-depth observatory on the progress of paediatric neurology.

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